My baby turned THREE.
I can hardly believe it. Three years with us and it has been the most amazing ride. I’ll call it a ride because it certainly has not come without its challenges. But these are definitely the best days of our lives.
We started the new year off getting back to eating healthier. And so for Phoenix’s Birthday, I decided to give a raw cheesecake a go. And to my surprise, he absolutely loved it! In fact, he had no idea he was eating cashews and maple syrup and not the real deal. It was such a beautiful and simple cake, that I thought, I definitely have to share the recipe with you guys here. It is so easy to whip up, and no baking required. The only thing is that you have to prepare the nuts a day in advance by soaking them overnight and chill in the freezer for a few hours before you ice.
If you want to give the recipe a try, HERE it is! The only thing I did differently, was use white chocolate to make the ganache instead of dark.